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SES-9/Falcon-9 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

Luxembourg/Cape Canaveral, Forida, 4 March 2016

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch Vehicle has successfully delivered SES-9 communication satellite to its target orbit. (First stage of Falcon 9 was regretfully lost on the sea-landing attempt)

More info:

SES 9 satellite technical details and footprints

Launch video:

Hispasat changes their satellite names
Written by Alexander Deryugin   


Madrid, 1 March 2016

HISPASAT renews designations of its satellite fleet

Active satellites:

Hispasat 1C -> Hispasat 84W-1 (H84W-1)

Hispasat 1D -> Hispasat 30W-4 (H30W-4)

Hispasat 1E -> Hispasat 30W-5 (H30W-5)

Amazonas 2 -> Amazonas 2 (AMZ2)

Amazonas 3 -> Amazonas 3 (AMZ3)

Amazonas 4A -> Amazonas 4 (AMZ4)

Intelsat 34 -> Hispasat 55W-2/Intelsat 34 (H55W-2)


Satellites under construction:

Hispasat AG1 -> Hispasat 36W-1 (H36W-1)

Hispasat 1F -> Hispasat 30W-6 (H30W-6)

Amazonas 5 -> Amazonas 5 (AMZ5)



More info:

Proton-M/Eutelsat-9B - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

January 29, 2016, Baikonur Cosmodrome

ILSLaunch Proton/Breeze-M Launch Vehicle has successfully delivered Eutelsat-9B communication satellite to its target orbit.

More info:

Eutelsat 9B satellite technical details

Launch video:

Ariane-5/Intelsat-29E - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

Ariane 5 Jan 27, 2016

Arianespace Ariane-5 ECA Launch Vehicle has successfully delivered Intelsat-29E communication satellite to its target orbit. It was a 70th successful Ariane 5 launch in a row.

More info:

Intelsat 29E satellite technical details

Launch video:

LongMarch-3B/Belintersat-1 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

15 January 2016

Chinese Long March CZ-3B Launch Vehicle has successfully delivered first Belorus communication satellite Belintersat-1 to its target orbit.

More info:

Belintersat-1 satellite technical details and coverage

Launch video:

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